The Pease Family

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Carson is...7???!!!

Wow! Where has the time gone? Our little man, Carson, turned 7 years old on March 9th! Ryan and I always talk about how weird it is... we never would have imagined what it would have been like to have a 7 year old together, and what do you know? We do! And we are loving every minute of it! We have so much fun as a family and Carson keeps us laughing everyday! He comes up with some of the funniest things to say. He knows how to make us laugh, that is for sure! He is really loving Jiu-Jitsu and gets better every time he goes to class.

For his birthday dinner Carson chose to go to the Mayan, so Ryan, Carson and I had a fun dinner on his actual birthday and for his party we invited everyone to Bouncin off the Walls and had such a fun party there. The kids, parents, grandparents and even great-grandma Ames had a great time on the slide. :) We feel lucky that Carson has great family and friends!

Thanks everyone, we love you all!


  1. WOW! 7 years old... that's so cool! And the Mayan is such a good and awesome place. Carson i think looks like Ryan and jamey as well. But, i can definately see both of you in him.

  2. He looks so big in the pictures!! I often wonder myself where the time goes!! He is so cut and it looks like he had a fun birthday party!! Hope you guys are doing well!!
