The Pease Family

Friday, September 24, 2010

Two deliveries... :)

On August 26th I had to have my gallbladder removed. I had been sick for a while and after a few tests the surgeon said I needed it out. He scheduled my surgery for August 26th and i knew the date sounded familiar but it took me a minute to remember why. We were going to have a new nephew that day!!! I was so disappointed that I wouldn't be able to go see him the day he was born. But the day after I was determined that I would see him no matter what. Me and Ryan went to the hospital and met our new little nephew, Jaxxon. What a cutie he is! Good job Mike and Natalie!!! Congrats!

Ryan had to give Jaxxon his first UFC figure- Wanderlei Silva!
Proud uncle Ryan
Proud cousin Carson
Proud aunt Jamey

The brothers getting Jaxxon changed

This was right before my surgery (don't mind the no make up). Thanks Ry for taking such good care of me! And thanks to our families that brought us in dinner!


  1. I'm so sorry to hear that you had to have your gall bladder out. I've had that done and it was so painful. Hopefully you are doing well.

  2. hey jamey (and ryan) - what a cute blog!!!

    i had to have my gallbladder out a month after having hudson - IT SUCKED. i was in the hospital for five days and oh my goodness, talk about pain (i had some other stones "lost" in my body that they had to go find...) - but you are such a trooper for being up and about so soon. wow!

    your 'little' guy is growing up so quick, and what a cutie. happy anniversary and happy 3-0 to ryan - tell him i said hi! :)
